Signs you have a termite infestation
Hollow tunnels - The insects eat along the grain of the wood, creating hollow tunnels. If you tap on a beam or another wooden surface, you can hear a hollow type of sound.Termite mud - Subterranean termites fill their galleries with mud to keep the wood moist.
Cracks - Cracks in wooden surfaces may also indicate damage caused by white ants.
Weakened wood - Probe gently a suspected area to see if the surface or wooden feature gives in.
Wings on window sills - Once swarmer termites finish mating they will shed their wings. So, have you seen a pile of wings on your window ledge?
There are other, more subtle signs that require a professional inspection to determine. If you notice something that doesn't seem quite right, do not hesitate to give us a call and book a termite inspection. It's better to be safe than sorry!