Professional Bee Control and Nest Removal in Melbourne by Paul’s Pest Control

Bees are extremely beneficial to our planet, no doubt about that. They are the ones responsible for the maintenance of our planet’s biodiversity, but they can also become quite dangerous when they invade a certain property. There are many people with allergies, and even if you are not allergic, the stings can hurt a lot. Is your flower corner or the dessert you just took out for the garden party under attack? One or two bees around are not that bad, but a whole swarm calls for bee control! And the time it takes to get from one bee to a whole nest is not much. A queen bee reproduces extremely fast - she will lay approximately 2000 eggs in a day, and in three weeks, those babies will be full-grown adults with mortgage and bank accounts. If the nest is located close to your house, you’ll have nothing but trouble. But how to know if you have an actual infestation or just a few visiting fellows looking for food? You look for signs. They will help you determine whether it’s time to call for a professional.

Signs of a bee infestation

Swarms of bees around and on your property

As we mentioned earlier, it’s completely normal to have a few bees just flying around in your garden, especially if you have flowers, fruit trees and still water like a pond or a swimming pool. However, when those two, three bees increase to an excessive amount, it’s time to take action. They will no longer be satisfied with just your garden flowers. They will most likely try to get inside your house, pay a visit to your house plants and probably bring some outside bacteria. Try to catch where they’re coming from because if they fly in from multiple locations, you probably have a whole beehive colony to deal with.

You find an active nest

So if you think there are one too many bees on your property, it’s time to make sure and search for a nest. You can find them outside in your garden, mostly in trees, or even in the internal structure of your home, for example, floorboards, wall voids, sheds or garages. If you can’t see a nest anywhere, then try to see where the bees are going, basically follow their direction once they are done eating or drinking water. Is there a place where a lot of bees hang out? If there is one, then you found your nest.

Dark-coloured patches on your ceilings and walls

Those are clear signs of a honeybee infestation in your home. They are known to build their nest in-between walls or right above your ceiling and produce all of the honey there. Naturally, the honeycombs and the honey itself will leave dark patches on the surface once it gets too much. This is exceptionally dangerous as the sweet honey might attract other insects like ants, termites, etc. Learn more about bees and what sets them apart from wasps.

Keep bees away from your home

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Preemptive Bee Control

Restrict their access to your home.

Bees don’t really need a lot of space to get inside your house. A 6mm hole is more than enough. Like many other pests, the best thing you can do is make sure that there are no holes or crevices that will allow the bees to enter your property. However, you have to be extremely fast and really find all the entries because the bees will not wait for you to seal them.

Take care of the scout bees.

The queen sends scout bees to search for a new home. If they find it suitable, they will perform a dance to notify the rest of the colony. Apply treatment to those bees and prevent them from letting the other bees know that your home is a potential candidate for a permanent nest.

Take care of your outdoor clutter.

Bees don’t mind using any of the forgotten lawn equipment or unused appliances stores in your garden to make their nest. Clean up your outdoor spaces and make sure there is nothing the bees can use as a base for their nest.

Remove previous honeycombs.

If you had an infestation before that and you see the same signs again, get rid of the previous nest and honeycombs right away! They hide pheromone scents that will surely attract another swarm in no time. Keep in mind that you might need to remove some parts of your roof to do so because they are often located in hard-to-reach areas such as eaves, wall voids, etc.

How bee pest control will help you

  • Paul’s pest control specialises in the professional and safe relocation of bee nests and can help protect your property and family from future invasions.
  • There will be no risk for you or your family to be attacked by an angry swarm of bees.
  • We work with trained and certified pest control technicians.
  • All of them have a vast knowledge of bees' biology and habits so that they can choose the best type of treatment for your property without any danger to your family.
  • We work every day of the week, including weekends and public holidays.

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