Expert Possum Control in Melbourne

Possums often find their way into residential properties, causing damages to buildings and disturbing the owners’ good night sleep. Not only that, but they can also have a negative impact on the health of the residents of the building. Research shows that possum faeces may cause flesh-eating ulcers in humans.  Possums can be dangerous if they come in contact. They have two defensive behaviours - they either play dead lying on the ground, or they stand tall on their back feet and bare their teeth to any intruder. Possums are territorial marsupials which will defend any place they consider their home to the death.   But as these cute marsupials are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975, any attempt to catch and release them without holding the appropriate licence is classed as illegal. Naturally, this calls for an expert possum removal approach by certified possum catchers. Paul’s Pest Control has extermination specialists in Melbourne who are trained to handle wildlife humanely, so the animal can be relocated and released back to the wild safely and without any further distress.   We are a Melbourne-based pest management company. We work with licensed, insured and fully qualified possum catchers who use specially designed cages. Once caught, the animal will be safely relocated, in accordance with the present wildlife control regulations.With Paul’s Pest Control, you can rest assured that you’ll get:
  • HUMANE and EFFECTIVE possum removal with guaranteed results;
  • Thoroughly trained and licensed possum catchers part of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association;
  • Emergency visits for quick animal relocation;
  • Service not limited in time - we’ll work until the job is done.
The possum removal service in Melbourne is suitable for:
  • Real estate agents;
  • Landlords and leasing agents;
  • Homeowners.

Let the possum catcher complete the job the right way! Call now!

Are possums pestering you? The professionals will catch them and restore the peace and quiet you deserve.

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Signs of the presence of possums on your property

Often people hear noises coming from the roof, and they are not sure whether it is a rat or a possum up there. Possums easily adjust to living along with humans and are mainly active during the night. If you're still not sure whether a possum causes the scratching noise you hear during the night, look for the following signs in your property.

  • Possum droppings: they can be separated or clumped together. They are around 15-30 mm long and 5-10mm wide.
  • Tracks and footprints: The possum's forefeet have five fingers with big, curled claws in the end. Possum trails can be found in your garden or backyard, especially if there are tree presents.
  • Damage on plants, trees: If there are crushed or fallen branches, branches with few leaves left, that may mean that a possum is lurking in your yard.
  • Smell: Possums are territorial creatures and will rub their legs and bodies on tree trunks to mark their territory. They can also release unpleasant odours when they feel threatened.
  • Sounds: You can hear a range of noises during the night such as grunts, aggressive hisses and growls.
Still not sure if a possum intrudes your property? Read more about the signs of possum infestation on your property.

Our humane pest removal in Melbourne in details

Full inspection of the property

When the possum catchers arrive on your property, they'll make sure that it's really a possum they're dealing with. They'll search for signs and entry points to determine the exact nature of the unwanted house guest before taking further action.  

Humane possum removal methods

The possum removal service is conducted following the Victoria Government rules and regulations under the Wildlife Act. We work with licensed possum catchers that will perform a humane and painless possum removal service. The service consists of 2 visits. On the first session, the technician will place traps with baits on the locations where the possum is entering or leaving your property. The possum catcher will inspect them every 24 hours for the next 4-5 days. The traps do not pose a risk for the possums. After the possum is trapped, the pest technician is required by law to release the captured possum not more than 50m away from where it was captured. In Melbourne, Victoria, there have been cases where homeowners have tried to handle a possum invasion with illegal and inhumane traps and faced a jail sentence for their actions. That's why it's essential to leave the job to a licensed wildlife controller.  

Prevention tips

As part of the service, the possum controllers will advise you on the measures you can undertake to avoid possums from re-entering your property. A good start would be to seal all possible entry points and try to cut all the branches around your roof. Possums often use those to get around.

Types of possums in Australia

Common Brushtail Possum

The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is a native species and the second-largest type of possum in Australia. As the name suggests, the brushtail possums have a big, furry tail. They can be found in four different colour variations - black, brown, silver-grey and golden-brown. These possums thrive in cities as they love vegetables and fruit gardens, fruit trees and food scraps.  

Common Ringtail Possum

The common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) is another native Australian species. The species is grey with creamy-coloured stomach and white under the eyes. The tail is around 30cm long with a white patch at the end. The ringtail possum mainly eats leaves, flowers, and fruits. Still not sure what type of possum you saw in your backyard? Read more about the types of possums found in Australia.

Possum prevention tips

Eliminate exit and entry points

Possum can access your property, including your roof through small holes. So you need to inspect your property and seal any holes to lower the chance of a possum invading your property in the future.  

Set up garden lights

If your property is the desired home for possums, you can try installing garden lights with motion sensors. The creatures won’t expect the light to turn on, and it can scare them away.  

Don’t feed the possums

A constant source of food and water is the main reason that draws animals to your property. Cover your outdoor bins and throw out the garbage regularly. Keep the gutters clean and clean up leftovers food immediately from your BBQ and garden area. Read more about how to keep possums away from your property.

Did you know?

There are more than 25 possum species native to Australia and Oceania. Possums are marsupials and are expected to live longer than 15 years in their natural habitat. Many possum species are in danger of extinction because of fires, climate change and urbanisation that causes forest loss. In Australia, more than one-quarter of the possum species are listed as threatened.  

Possum Description:

Possums have a furry body, long bushy tail that they use to climb and hold onto branches. They have short legs, pink noses and pointed ears. The head is usually dark brown or dark grey and white or cream-colour on the stomach. Both males and females are similar in size - around 60-95 cm long, including the tail which is 25-40cm long. Their size is similar to a cat.  

Possum Behaviour:

Possums are nocturnal creatures, which means they are mainly active during the night. Possums don’t like to spend much of their time on the ground. They live in dens or holes in the trees or trunks. The female possums tend to be dominant over the male ones. The female’s breeding season is in the autumn. The pregnancy usually lasts for 16 days, and the litter consists of one baby.

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