Signs of the presence of possums on your property
Often people hear noises coming from the roof, and they are not sure whether it is a rat or a possum up there. Possums easily adjust to living along with humans and are mainly active during the night. If you're still not sure whether a possum causes the scratching noise you hear during the night, look for the following signs in your property.
- Possum droppings: they can be separated or clumped together. They are around 15-30 mm long and 5-10mm wide.
- Tracks and footprints: The possum's forefeet have five fingers with big, curled claws in the end. Possum trails can be found in your garden or backyard, especially if there are tree presents.
- Damage on plants, trees: If there are crushed or fallen branches, branches with few leaves left, that may mean that a possum is lurking in your yard.
- Smell: Possums are territorial creatures and will rub their legs and bodies on tree trunks to mark their territory. They can also release unpleasant odours when they feel threatened.
- Sounds: You can hear a range of noises during the night such as grunts, aggressive hisses and growls.